Glossy, silky with punchy flavours, just amazing drizzled over roast meats and freshly roasted potatoes. This amazing Jus reminds me of the times I used to work in the Pub on Sundays, working just over the number of hours I needed for a free roast dinner. When every roast was served with thick red wine gravy, ah the good old days! Here's my more up to date version, you can make it ahead of time for your Sunday roast, or use it in the week, it will keep for a good few days in the fridge.

Ingredients (4 portions):
2 x Shallot's
2 x Garlic Cloves
Bunch of Fresh Thyme
2 x Bay Leafs
Worcestershire sauce
Rock Salt and Black Pepper
300ml Red wine
150ml Port
800ml Beef stock (needs to be good quality!)
Butter (unsalted)
Olive Oil
The key to this jus is a good beef stock and reducing the Jus down for a long time until its at the right consistency. Finely slice your shallots and garlic and fry these in olive oil with some salt and pepper for a few mins, add in your port and red wine, then chuck in a few bunches of fresh thyme and the bay leaves. Reduce this down until it's a syrup-like consistency.
Meanwhile, prepare your beef stock, ensure it's not too thin or the Jus won't reduce properly. The better the stock, the better the flavour. Once the port and red wine has reduced to a syrup-like consistency and is coating the back of the spoon add in the beef stock, a splash of Worcestershire sauce and a few more sprigs of fresh thyme. Now reduce this down again until it's velvety and smooth and again coats the back of the spoon. This may take several hours on a low temperature but is well worth the results.
Once you're happy with the consistency of the Jus, check for seasoning, check to ensure it coats the back of the spoon and then pass through a sieve, finish with a little unsalted butter to add a nice gloss. It's ready to keep warm and serve immediately, or you can keep it sealed in the fridge for 3-4 days ready for your Sunday roast. Enjoy!